ADA Carbon Solutions

Nextlight Renewable Power

Sector Electricty Infrastructure
Location California, Southwestern U.S.
Status Realized
Date of investment January 2008

Formed to develop, acquire, own, manage and operate utility-scale solar power plants in the western U.S.

NextLight was formed in response to the growing demand for utility-scale solar power in California and southwestern U.S. ECP identified a market need for a power development firm that was not pursuing a specific agenda of deploying its own solar technology. NextLight’s development pipeline grew to $5 billion of solar projects, including: three shovel-ready projects with long-term sales agreements totaling 570 MW, five projects in advanced development totaling 750 MW, and site control for another 3,257 MW in early stage development.

By the time the company was sold to First Solar, Inc. in July 2010, it had grown to become the largest pure-play utility-scale developer of solar power plants in the U.S.

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